Ashford ranked among best places in the UK for jobs, living and wellbeing

Posted on 17 June 2024

Great news for Ashford as the borough has been ranked 22nd in Payroll Price’s Employee Location Index 2024 out of 80 other locations across the country.

As reported in SouthEast Business, the index provides insights into where in the UK employees can find the best balance of job opportunities, living conditions and overall wellbeing.

The study uses sources such as the ONS, Indeed and the Census to evaluate factors including salary, commute time, median work hours, contentment scores and availability of employment local opportunities.

These metrics provide a clear picture of each location’s suitability for a balanced and rewarding lifestyle.

High Speed Train
Ashford's High Speed Rail link helps commuters get into London in just 38 minutes

Ashford scored in the top 10 for Happiness and had one of the lowest commute times compared to other South East locations listed.

This is testament to what Ashford can offer employees seeking a good work life balance with good connectivity set in the heart of Kent.

See some key facts and information about why Ashford is a great place for business.