Vision for the South of Ashford Garden Community

Posted on 16 September 2020

A series of online focus groups, webinars and surveys will be launched in September 2020 providing local people with an opportunity to learn more about the South of Ashford Garden Community and help shape what these new communities might look like in the future.

What does the future hold for the town, wider borough, the many villages and the growing communities? How can this growth be nurtured and sustained for the benefit of all residents, new and old? By building on tested principles of English garden towns, a vision for the South of Ashford Garden Community can bring together multiple communities and neighbourhoods under a shared sense of governance and stewardship.

The formation of such a vision was seeded back in early 2019 when residents of the south of Ashford, along with businesses, voluntary organisations and local government partners, sat down to look at the developments proposed in the area. This was followed by a more in-depth public workshop in the autumn of that year, helping to redress aspects of the masterplan for the area and to produce a series of key themes.

These key themes are the building blocks of a Five Year Vision & Strategy which will guide developments such as Chilmington Green and any future proposed developments within the area, as a form of quality control. It will set the bar for quality placemaking, ecological preservation, healthy living and community-led governance.

The South of Ashford Garden Community Map
The South of Ashford Garden Community Map

The aim is for this action plan to be adopted by Ashford Borough Council and endorsed by its partners including private developers, ensuring a commitment to achieving the Vision for the South of Ashford Garden Community.

To deliver this Five Year Vision & Strategy, local residents are urged to continue to take part in shaping this document. With current government-set social distancing measures, it is acknowledged that this is no small task, but not one which cannot be overcome.

To ensure continued participation and influence in this process, a series of online focus groups, webinars and surveys will be launched in September 2020. Local residents will have opportunities to contribute in shaping the future of the Garden Community in a variety of platforms dependent upon their interests and availability.

For more details visit Ashford Borough Council’s website. You can have your say via our consultation portal.